Disappearing Media, Your Bio & More Speed

Telegram 4.2 is here! We have completely redesigned our photo editing tools, and it takes you even fewer taps to make your photos look amazing. In addition, you can now set a self-destruct timer for any photos and videos you share in private chats.

If you set a timer, the countdown starts the moment your recipient opens the photo or video you sent. After the time runs out, the photo/video will disappear forever, just like in Secret Chats.

If the recipient tries to make a screenshot of your disappearing media, you’ll get a notification immediately.

Who are you again?

Starting today, you can add a bio to your profile by typing a few words about yourself in Settings. Every time you stumble upon new users in large groups you might want to learn more about them. That's where bios can help.

Bio in your profile

More Speed and Security

On top of this, as of 4.2, Telegram apps will rely on a CDN (distributed network) to cache publicly available photos and videos posted in massive channels (100,000+ members). This will result in significantly higher download speeds for tens of millions of Telegram users around the world. Check out this post to learn more about how we managed to do it in a slick and secure way.

One More Thing

Stickers are now easier to use as you can enlarge the scrolling area. More legroom for your emotions!

July 23, 2017
The Telegram Team

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